Arts & Crafts For Kids

DIY and crafting ideas for the kindergarten and at home. Our Large Friends have discovered the arts & crafts corner of the kindergarten and created beautiful little works of art. Maybe you will find one or two ideas for yourself to do some crafts as well. Let yourself get inspired!

When children paint..

.. they discover the world. From the first doodle, to the stick figure or colourful rainbow. Every child can paint and every child should paint, because it is not only fun but also develops their fine motor skills. It also stimulates creativity and supports the imagination of the kids. Children's drawings tell little stories from your child's life. Therefore it is always nice to talk about them together after the "completed painting" and to find out what might be hidden behind them.


Get creative with foam rubber

Because sponge rubber sheets are very soft and therefore easy to cut out, it is particularly suitable for the first attempts to cut out something with children's scissors. Butterflies, circles or even small snippets - there are practically no limits to your imagination. For example, you can use the small snippets to give your butterfly wings an individual pattern.

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