Lunchbox Ideas *Guest Article*

You don't play with food. But when a cheerful face looks out of the lunchbox, the joy is great and it tastes immediately better. Even when it comes to fruit or vegetables (Attention: hidden vitamins).

Denise alias @minimemalzwei is known for her creative and extraordinary works of art, which she conjures up almost daily for her kids to inspire them with healthy and balanced food. Normally we would of course always plead not to play with food, but in this case if it makes for such beautiful pictures, let's turn a blind eye to it ;)

Let yourself be inspired by her great creations and maybe soon a friendly face will be looking out of your Lunchbox.

If you would like to discover more of her creations, have a look at her Instagram Profile and collect some ideas for the next Lunchbox of yours.

Brotdose-Clown-Lunchbox-minimemalzwei blopost(1)

Funny Clown

When a bad mood arises, sometimes you just have to conjure up a smile. And if this can be combined with healthy food (please note that most children don't see the vegetables/fruit in this case, because it's a clown), then the day will be better than expected. However, there might be a tiny problem: It could be difficult to share this beautifully arranged food.

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Funny Piggy

"Moooom, Emilia said I'm not her friend anymore just because I didn't give her meat sausage." Sad eyes reveal how big the disappointment is. And only we parents know that they will be in each other's arms again tomorrow at the latest and that they'll be doing mischief together. But for this little being a world breaks down. So what was in the lunch box the next morning? In each case one "I-Love-You-Piggy" for the two squabblers and Ta-da they are best friends again. Promise ;)

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Fruity Love Bug

Who doesn't know it, the midday low? And who doesn't know the requests for something sweet from our little treasures. With a big, begging eye they stand in front of us and are we honest, how often do we let ourselves soften and conjure up a chocolate bar or some gummi bears? Sweets are allowed from time to time, of course, but I prefer fruit. So how can we make it tastier than the desired bar? It's so simple: Just give the fruit a face. This always goes down well and is usually polished off the plate or in this case the Affenzahn Lunchbox just as quickly as the beloved chocolate bomb.

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