Breakfast Ideas For Kids

Our young adventurers need a lot of energy for all the exciting activities that await them every day. To guarantee that breakfast is also an experience, we have collected some great ideas for you, which are just waiting to be enjoyed by your kids.

Sunny Pancake Face

Pancakes and crepes can be made in many variations, with different ingredients, sometimes a little healthier with wholemeal flour and no sugar, sometimes in the classic way with butter and maple syrup. But they all have one thing in common: you can conjure up great shapes and faces out of them, like our Sunny Pancake Face. So there's certainly no bad mood in the morning and breakfast tastes even better, even without sugary cornflakes or sweet spreads ;)


Colourful Lunch Box

It doesn't always have to be vegetables that have been carved into shape, but a little variety is fun to prepare not only for the kids, but also for the parents. Cookie cutters can be used to punch great shapes into fruit, wholemeal bread or cheese in no time at all. You can quickly make delicious bread or apple slices in star shape, which not only taste good for the little ones, but also bring a smile to their faces.

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Fruits & Veggies in all forms and shapes

Berries as a colourful addition to muesli, melons in the shape of a heart, an apple with a face or just a few grapes. These sweet, vitamin-rich side dishes should not be missing in any lunch box. If children tend to reject the tasty vitamins, it can help to put them in funny forms or "hide" them in the breakfast.

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